city of tacoma
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/24/2023 5:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Webinar Link: Passcode: 349099
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
23-1020 11.LPCMin20230614Item FiledMinutes of the Landmarks Preservation Commission, June 14, 2023.filed  Action details Not available
23-1038 12.SSMin20230321MinutesMinutes of the City Council study session, March 21, 2023.adopted  Action details Not available
23-1031 13.SSMin20230404MinutesMinutes of the City Council study session, April 4, 2023.adopted  Action details Not available
23-1039 14.SSMin20230411MinutesMinutes of the City Council study session, April 11, 2023.adopted  Action details Not available
23-1044 15.SSMin20230418JntMtgMinutesMinutes of the joint City Council and Public Utility Board study session, April 18, 2023.adopted  Action details Not available
RES41283 36.RES-JAG Grant Community Based ViolenceResolutionA resolution accepting a grant from the U.S. Department of Justice 2023 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance, in the amount of $358,803, equally split with Pierce County, for external contracts that support community based violence interventions and the City’s transformation efforts, retroactive to October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2026; authorizing the City Manager to sign the Certifications; and authorizing the Youth and Young Adult Violence Reduction Steering Committee or the Human Services Commission to review these grant applications in the future. [Vicky McLaurin, Interim Assistant Director; Allyson Griffith, Director, Neighborhood and Community Services]adopted  Action details Not available
23-1032 17.PaymentsResolutionDate Range - 09/25/2023 to 10/08/2023 Payroll in the amount of $20,707,351.68; Payments in the amount of $36,620,406.42; for a total of $57,327,758.10.adoptedPass Action details Not available
RES41284 18.RES - 12-Yr Agreement with Wamo Holdings Washington LLCResolutionA resolution authorizing the execution of a Multi-Family Housing 12-Year Limited Property Tax Exemption Agreement with Wamo Holdings Washington LLC, for the development of 14 multi-family market and regulated rate rental housing units, located at 604 South Sheridan Avenue. [Debbie Bingham, Project Manager; Jeff Robinson, Director, Community and Economic Development]adoptedPass Action details Video Video
ORD28910 19.Ord Amending Title 6 of the Municipal CodeOrdinanceAn ordinance amending Title 6 of the Municipal Code, relating to the Tax and License Code, by amending Chapter 6B.10, entitled “General License Provisions”, and Chapter 6B.20, entitled “Annual Business License”, to decrease the late filing penalty on business license fees, strengthen license requirements and enforcement tools, and clarify administrative provisions of the licensing code; and by amending various chapters to update language and address areas of inconsistency. [Danielle Larson, Tax and License Manager; Andy Cherullo, Director, Finance]set over for final reading  Action details Video Video
23-1033 210. Public HearingThis is the date set for a public hearing by the City Council on the 2023 Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing grant application. [Felicia Medlen, Housing Division Manager; Jeff Robinson, Director, Community and Economic Development]presented  Action details Video Video