Req. # 1 3612
7 2 4
1 A RESOLUTION relating to stormwater systems; authorizing the execution of an
2 Interlocal Agreement with the Port of Tacoma for the purpose of providing a
cooperative framework for coordination of certain stormwater management
3 activities.
4 WHEREAS the City is required to develop and implement a stormwater
5 management plan under its Phase I Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System
Permit ("MS4 Permit"), which permit is issued by the Washington State Department
8 of Ecology to all Phase I permittees in Western Washington, and
9 WHEREAS the Port of Tacoma ("Port") is considered a secondary permittee
10 under the MS4 Permit because it owns and operates its own municipal stormwater
1 1 system within the city limits of Tacoma, and
WHEREAS the MS4 Permit encourages the City and Port to coordinate
14 stormwater management activities when possible, and
15 WHEREAS the proposed Interlocal Agreement ("Agreement") would provide
16 a cooperative framework for coordinating certain stormwater management
17 obligations under the MS4 Permit with the goal of reducing stormwater impacts to
1 8
Commencement Bay, its waterways, and other receiving waters, and
1 9
20 WHEREAS, under the Agreement, each party would remain responsible for
21 its own MS4 Permit compliance, and
22 WHEREAS the Agreement provides for, among other things, access to Port
23 properties by City staff for inspection and spill response as requested by the Port;
compensation to the City for certain services when the Port has requested such
26 services; collaboration on review of Port development and/or redeve...
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