city of tacoma
File #: RES39171    Version: 1 Name: Tacoma Power Electrical Rates and Financial Policy
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
File created: 3/18/2015 In control: City Council
On agenda: 4/14/2015 Final action: 4/14/2015
Title: A resolution amending the Electric Rate and Financial Policy to address the use of long- and short-term debt to finance capital projects; provide clarification pertaining to use of financial metrics; and provide additional requirements pertaining to the funding of the Rate Stabilization Fund. [Bill Berry, Rates, Power, and Analysis Manager; Ted Coates, Superintendent, Tacoma Power]
Attachments: 1. Resolution No. 39171, 2. City Council Action Memorandum, 3. Memorandum from Tacoma Public Utilities, 4. Electric Rate and Financial Policy, 5. PowerPoint
Related files: ORD28297, ORD28296, ORD28295, RES39170
A resolution amending the Electric Rate and Financial Policy to address the use of long- and short-term debt to finance capital projects; provide clarification pertaining to use of financial metrics; and provide additional requirements pertaining to the funding of the Rate Stabilization Fund.
[Bill Berry, Rates, Power, and Analysis Manager; Ted Coates, Superintendent, Tacoma Power]