city of tacoma
File #: RES39984    Version: 1 Name: Purchase Resolution – L.N. Curtis and Sons
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
File created: 4/9/2018 In control: City Council
On agenda: 4/17/2018 Final action: 4/17/2018
Title: A resolution authorizing an increase to the contract with L.N. Curtis and Sons, in the amount of $150,000, plus applicable sales tax, for a total of $1,377,400, budgeted from the General Fund, for additional protective jackets and trousers for structural firefighting - Specification No. FD12-0750F. [Michael Fitzgerald, Assistant to the Chief; James P. Duggan, Fire Chief]
Attachments: 1. Resolution No. 39984, 2. Contract and Award Memorandum
Related files: RES39547, RES39323, RES-38658


A resolution authorizing an increase to the contract with L.N. Curtis and Sons, in the amount of $150,000, plus applicable sales tax, for a total of $1,377,400, budgeted from the General Fund, for additional protective jackets and trousers for structural firefighting - Specification No. FD12-0750F.

[Michael Fitzgerald, Assistant to the Chief; James P. Duggan, Fire Chief]