city of tacoma
File #: ORD-28099    Version: 1 Name: Transportation Benefit District
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 11/20/2012 In control: City Council
On agenda: 11/20/2012 Final action: 11/20/2012
Title: Ordinance No. 28099
Attachments: 1. ORD-28099
Related files: RES TBD018, ORD28965, RES TBD016, RES TBD017, RES TBD023
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
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O"INANCE NO- 2 8 0 9 9

AN ORDINANCE relating to transportation funding; establishing a
1 Transportation Benefit District within the limits of the City of Tacoma,

2 specifying the maintenance and preservation of existing transportation
improvements, providing for additional transportation improvements;
3 creating a new Chapter 10.28 in the Tacoma Municipal Code ("TIVIC")
entitled "Transportation Benefit District"- and declaring an emergency
4 7
under Tacoma City Charter Section 2.13.

WHEREAS RCW 35.21.225 and RCW 36.73.020 provide that the City

7 Council may establish a quasi-municipal, independent taxing district, in the form of

8 a Transportation Benefit District ("TBU), for the purposes of acquiring,

9 constructing, improving, providing, and funding transportation improvements within

10 the TBD consistent with any state, regional, or local transportation plans, and

1 1
necessitated by existing or reasonably foreseeable congestion levels, and

1 3 WHEREAS the TBD, once established, may impose taxes, fees, charges,

14 and tolls, including vehicle registration fees as authorized by RCW 82.80.140, to

1 5 fund local transportation projects, and

16 WHEREAS the increased funding afforded by the imposition of such taxes,

1 7
fees, charges, or tolls will allow the TBD to identify and make transportation
1 8

19 improvements that include increasing transit capacity and connectivity, and

20 improving accessibility for persons with special transportation needs; freight

21 mobility; and the overall performance, cost-effectiveness, and efficiency of the

22 TBD's transportation system as a whole, and

WHEREAS the City wishes to establish a TBD within its boundaries in an

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