city of tacoma
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/20/2024 5:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Webinar Link: Passcode: 349099
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
24-0166 11.IPSMin20230524Item FiledMinutes of the Infrastructure, Planning, and Sustainability Committee, May 24, 2023.filed  Action details Not available
24-0168 12.IPSMIN20230614Item FiledMinutes of the Infrastructure, Planning, and Sustainability Committee, June 14, 2023.filed  Action details Not available
24-0148 13.TCABMin_20240110Item FiledMinutes of the Tacoma Creates Advisory Board, January 10, 2024.filed  Action details Not available
24-0167 14.SSMin20230620MinutesMinutes of the City Council study session, June 20, 2023.adopted  Action details Not available
RES41366 15.Purchase Resolution – Cummins Inc.ResolutionA resolution awarding a contract to Cummins Inc., in the amount of $506,769.00, plus applicable taxes, plus a 10 percent contingency, for a cumulative total of $557,445.90, budgeted from the Solid Waste Fund, for a standby generator, switchgear and automatic transfer switch to be used in the event of a power failure to operate the solid waste compactors in the Solid Waste Main Receiving Building - Contract CW2257282. [Jody Bratton, P.E., Senior Engineering Project Manager; Michael P. Slevin III, P.E., Director, Environmental Services]adoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0171 16.Recognition - Lunar New YearRecognitionRecognizing Lunar New Year.presented  Action details Video Video
24-0157 17.Recognition - Dedrick CrocklemRecognitionRecognizing Dedrick Crocklem.presented  Action details Video Video
RES41367 18.Purchase Resolution – Garland/DBS, Inc.ResolutionA resolution awarding a contract to Garland/DBS, Inc., in the amount of $1,908,882.00, plus applicable taxes, plus a 20 percent contingency, for a cumulative total of $2,290,658.40, budgeted from the Wastewater Fund, for the replacement of various roofs located at the Central Treatment Plant - Contract No. CW2263499/C3158. [Max Drathman, P.E., Senior Engineering Project Manager; Michael P. Slevin III, P.E., Director, Environmental Services]adoptedPass Action details Video Video
24-0114 19.Public Hearing on the consideration for extending an existing moratorium on certain uses within the South Tacoma Groundwater Protection District as recommended by the Infrastructure, Planning, and Sustainability Committee.Public HearingThis is the date set for a public hearing by the City Council on the consideration for extending an existing moratorium on certain uses within the South Tacoma Groundwater Protection District as recommended by the Infrastructure, Planning, and Sustainability Committee. [Maryam Moeinian, Senior Planner; Peter Huffman, Director, Planning and Development Services]presented  Action details Video Video