city of tacoma
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/26/2016 5:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
16-0036 11.EDMin20151208Item FiledMinutes of the Economic Development Committee, December 8, 2015.filed  Action details Not available
16-0055 12.GPFMin20160106Item FiledMinutes of the Government Performance and Finance Committee, January 6, 2016.filed  Action details Not available
16-0034 13.IPS20151118Item FiledMinutes of the Infrastructure, Planning, and Sustainability Committee special meeting, November 18, 2015.filed  Action details Not available
16-0035 14.IPS20151209Item FiledMinutes of the Infrastructure, Planning, and Sustainability Committee, December 9, 2015.filed  Action details Not available
16-0053 15.PCMin20151216Item FiledMinutes of the Planning Commission, December 16, 2015.filed  Action details Not available
16-0038 16.PUBSSMin20151118Item FiledMinutes of the Public Utility Board study session, November 18, 2015.filed  Action details Not available
16-0039 17.PUBMin20151118Item FiledMinutes of the Public Utility Board meeting, November 18, 2015.filed  Action details Not available
16-0040 18.PUBSSMin20151203SpMtgItem FiledMinutes of the Public Utility Board special study session, December 3, 2015.filed  Action details Not available
16-0041 19.Minutes of the Public Utility Board Special Meeting, 12-3-15Item FiledMinutes of the Public Utility Board special meeting, December 3, 2015.filed  Action details Not available
16-0049 110.October Financials, WW and SW MgmtItem FiledMonthly Financial Report for Wastewater and Surface Water Management, October 2015.filed  Action details Not available
16-0015 111.FinancialsItem FiledMonthly Financial Reports for the Fleet Services Fund, Self-Insurance Claim Fund, Solid Waste Management, Tacoma Power, Tacoma Rail, Tacoma Rail Mountain Division, and Tacoma Water, November 2015.filed  Action details Not available
16-0054 112.SSMin20160112MinutesMinutes of the City Council study session, January 12, 2016.adopted  Action details Not available
RES39363 113.RES - Setting public hearing for LPI vacationResolutionA resolution setting Thursday, March 3, 2016, at 9:30 a.m., as the date for a hearing by the Hearing Examiner on the request to vacate the unimproved alley lying east and abutting Norpoint Way Northeast, and lying between 28th and 29th Streets Northeast, for a multi-family development. (LPI Holdings, LLC; File No. 124.1361) [Troy Stevens, Senior Real Estate Specialist; Kurtis D. Kingsolver, P.E., Director, Public Works]adopted  Action details Not available
RES39364 114.RES - setting public hearing - street vacation 124.1360 - ActiveResolutionA resolution setting Thursday, March 3, 2016, at 1:30 p.m., as the date for a hearing by the Hearing Examiner on the request to vacate the south 125 feet of the alley between Union Avenue and Puget Sound Avenue, lying north of South 40th Street, to allow the petitioner to consolidate their adjoining properties. (Active Investment Co., LLC; File No. 124.1360) [Troy Stevens, Senior Real Estate Specialist; Kurtis D. Kingsolver, P.E., Director, Public Works]adopted  Action details Not available
RES39365 115.RES - Setting public hearing for Yareton street vacation 124.1363ResolutionA resolution setting Thursday, March 10, 2016, at 9:30 a.m., as the date for a hearing by the Hearing Examiner on the request to vacate the north 125 feet of the southerly 215 feet of Broadway, lying north of South 17th Street, for a 300-plus room, 4-star hotel. (Yareton Investment & Management (Washington) L.L.C.; File No. 124.1363) [Troy Stevens, Senior Real Estate Specialist; Kurtis D. Kingsolver, P.E., Director, Public Works]adopted  Action details Not available
RES39366 116.RES - setting hearing date - Street Vacation 124.1359 - WagnerResolutionA resolution setting Thursday, March 10, 2016, at 1:00 p.m., as the date for a hearing by the Hearing Examiner on the request to vacate the south 130 feet of East K Street, lying north of East 26th Street, for parking and private open space. (Mark Wagner; File No. 124.1359) [Troy Stevens, Senior Real Estate Specialist; Kurtis D. Kingsolver, P.E., Director, Public Works]adopted  Action details Not available
RES39367 117.RES - Grant for 40th St Green Infrastructure ProjectResolutionA resolution authorizing the execution of a grant agreement with the Washington State Department of Ecology, in the amount of $1,850,250; accepting and depositing said sum into the Surface Water Fund; and authorizing the expenditure of $616,750 in matching funds, for a cumulative total of $2,467,000, to install permeable pavement and bioretention cells along 40th Street. [Geoffrey M. Smyth, P.E., Science and Engineering Division Manager; Michael P. Slevin III, P.E., Director, Environmental Services]adopted  Action details Not available
RES39368 118.RES - Grant S Tac Way Green InfrastructureResolutionA resolution authorizing the execution of a grant agreement with the Washington State Department of Ecology, in the amount of $1,567,500; accepting and depositing said sum into the Surface Water Fund; and authorizing the expenditure of $522,500 in matching funds, for a cumulative total of $2,090,000, to install permeable pavement and bioretention facilities on South Tacoma Way between South 52nd and South 56th Streets. [Geoffrey M. Smyth, P.E., Science and Engineering Division Manager; Michael P. Slevin III, P.E., Director, Environmental Services]adopted  Action details Not available
RES39369 119.RES - Grant for Madison and Monroe Neighborhood ProjectResolutionA resolution authorizing the execution of a grant agreement with the Washington State Department of Ecology, in the amount of $1,582,250; accepting and depositing said sum into the Surface Water Fund; and authorizing the expenditure of $527,417 in matching funds, for a cumulative total of $2,109,667, to install permeable pavement in the Madison and Monroe neighborhoods. [Geoffrey M. Smyth, P.E., Science and Engineering Division Manager; Michael P. Slevin III, P.E., Director, Environmental Services]adopted  Action details Not available
RES39370 120.Purchase Resolution – Floyd Snider, Inc.ResolutionA resolution awarding a contract to Floyd Snider, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $326,759, sales tax not applicable, budgeted from the Surface Water Fund, for technical services related to year 10 monitoring activities associated with the sediment cleanup work in the Thea Foss and Wheeler-Osgood Waterways, to be completed before the end of 2017 - Specification No. CT12-0001F. [Geoffrey M. Smyth, P.E., Science and Engineering Division Manager; Michael P. Slevin III, P.E., Director, Environmental Services]adoptedPass Action details Video Video
RES39371 121.Purchase Resolution – Waste Management of Washington, Inc.ResolutionA resolution authorizing an increase to the contract with Waste Management of Washington, Inc., in the amount of $400,000, sales tax not applicable, for a cumulative total of $600,000, budgeted from the Solid Waste Fund, to continue to process and market commingled recyclables collected by the City - Specification No. PW04-0040F. [Gary Kato, Solid Waste Division Manager; Michael P. Slevin III, P.E., Director, Environmental Services]adoptedPass Action details Video Video
RES39372 122.Purchase Resolution – BASF CorporationResolutionA resolution authorizing an increase to the contract with BASF Corporation, in the amount of $250,000, plus sales tax, for a cumulative total of $580,880, budgeted from the Wastewater Fund, for dry polymer used in biosolids dewatering at the Central Treatment Plant through December 31, 2016 - Specification No. ES14-0710N. [Judith Scott, Operations and Maintenance Division Manager; Michael P. Slevin III, P.E., Director, Environmental Services]adoptedPass Action details Video Video
RES39362 223.Amending Rules of ProcedureResolutionThis is the second reading of a resolution amending the Rules of Procedure of the Council of the City of Tacoma as follows: amend Rule 15 - Standing Committees, Section A, by removing item 4, Neighborhoods and Housing, as an established standing committee; and revise item 5, Public Safety, Human Services, and Education, by changing the name to Community Vitality and Safety. [Council Member Woodards]adoptedPass Action details Video Video
RES39373 124.RES - Philip Martin Lelli Memorial HighwayResolutionA resolution recommending the Washington State Transportation Commission name State Route 509, between Pacific Avenue and Taylor Way, the Philip Martin Lelli Memorial Highway. [Council Member McCarthy]adoptedPass Action details Video Video
RES39374 125. ResolutionA resolution authorizing the execution of a Memorandum of Understanding with South Sound 911 and Pierce County’s Combined Communications Network, for public safety radio system access fees, for the period of January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016. [Jack Kelanic, Director, Information Technology]adoptedPass Action details Video Video