| 1 | 1. | EDMin20240430 | Item Filed | Minutes of the Economic Development Committee, April 30, 2024. | | |
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| 1 | 2. | EDMin20240514 | Item Filed | Minutes of the Economic Development Committee, May 14, 2024. | | |
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Not available
| 1 | 3. | IPSMin20240911 | Item Filed | Minutes of the Infrastructure, Planning, and Sustainability Committee,
September 11, 2024. | | |
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| 1 | 4. | Purchase Resolution – Sascon LLC | Resolution | A resolution awarding a contract to Sascon, LLC, in the amount of $671,320, plus a
20 percent contingency, budgeted from the Wastewater and Streets Initiative funds, for wastewater sewer and roadway improvements along East McKinley Road, for a total projected contract total of $805,584, plus applicable taxes -
Specification No. ES24-0034F.
[Jordan Ennis, P.E., Engineer; Geoffrey M. Smyth, P.E., Interim Director, Environmental Services] | | |
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Not available
| 1 | 5. | Proclamation - Tacoma First 311 Day | Proclamation | Proclaiming Tuesday, March 11, 2025, as National 311 Day. | | |
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| 1 | 6. | Proclamation - Americorps Appreciation Week | Proclamation | Proclaiming March 9-15, 2025, as AmeriCorps Appreciation Week. | | |
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| 1 | 6A. | Settlement Motion - Sudderth 23-2-09617-2 | Action Item | A motion may be made to authorize the City’s full and final settlement of all claims against the City in the matter of Karen Sudderth v. City of Tacoma, Pierce County Cause Number 23-2-09617-2, related to a two vehicle intersection collision involving a Tacoma Police Vehicle on March 13, 2022, upon payment by the City in the amount of $200,000.00 and execution of a release in a form approved by the City Attorney. | | |
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| 1 | 7. | Purchase Resolution – Active Construction Inc. | Resolution | A resolution awarding a contract to Active Construction, Inc., in the amount of $1,984,984.00, plus a 20 percent contingency, budgeted from the Stormwater Fund, for modifications to the Leach Creek Stormwater Holding Basin, for a projected contract total of $2,381,980.80, plus applicable taxes -
Specification No. ES24-0258F.
[Steve Hoffman, Senior Engineering Project Manager; Geoffrey M. Smyth, P.E., Interim Director, Environmental Services] | | |
Not available
| 2 | 8. | RES - 2025 Federal Legislative Session Priority Issues | Resolution | A resolution adopting the priority issues for the 2025 session of the
United States Congress.
[Andrea Roper, Government Relations Officer; Elizabeth Pauli, City Manager] | | |
Not available
| 2 | 9. | Resolution - Prioritizing the Inclusion of Community Members Over the Age of 65 in the City's CBCs | Resolution | A resolution declaring the inclusion of community members over the age of 65 on the City's committees, boards, and commissions a priority; and, directing the City Manager to inform the City Council quarterly of changes to senior representation.
[Council Member Hines] | | |
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| 2 | 10. | ORD - Zayo Telecommunications Franchise Agreement | Ordinance | An ordinance granting a non-exclusive ten-year telecommunications franchise agreement to Zayo Group, LLC, to construct, operate, and repair a telecommunications system in the City.
[Jeff Lueders, Cable and Franchise Services Division Manager;
Amy Clancy, Director, Media and Communications Office] | | |
Not available
| 1 | 11. | ORD - TMB 6B Amending Pawnbrokers, Secondhand Dealers and Garage Sales | Ordinance | An ordinance amending Chapter 6B.160 of the Municipal Code, relating to
Pawnbrokers, Secondhand Dealers, and Garage Sales, by amending various
sections and adding a new section 6B.160.065, entitled "Exemptions - Report
to police", to add new exemptions, update license fees, and clarify language,
effective May 1, 2025.
[Danielle Larson, Tax and License Division Manager; Andy Cherullo, Director, Finance] | | |
Not available
| 1 | 12. | ORD - Historic Review Moratorium Extension | Ordinance | An ordinance approving a six-month extension of Ordinance No. 28962, which
enacted a temporary moratorium on the nomination and designation of new
Historic Special Review and Conservation Districts, and approving a detailed
Planning Commission workplan.
[Reuben McKnight, Historic Preservation Officer; Peter Huffman, Director,
Planning and Development Services] | | |
Not available
| 1 | 13. | ORD - TMC Title 1 Charter Amendment - Renaming CCES to Commission on Elected Salaries | Ordinance | An ordinance amending Chapters 1.18 and 1.19 of the Municipal Code, relating to
Mayor and Salary of Council Members, to rename the Citizen Commission on Elected Salaries to the Commission on Elected Salaries, to align with City Charter Amendment No. 1 passed on November 5, 2024.
[Kari Louie, Assistant Director; Shelby Fritz, Director, Human Resources] | | |
Not available
| 1 | 14. | Cascade Water Alliance Wholesale Water Agreements | Ordinance | An ordinance authorizing the execution of two wholesale Water Supply Agreements with Cascade Water Alliance, including the approval of certain market-based wholesale rates and pricing embedded within the two agreements.
[Marc Powell, Senior Business Services Analyst; Heather Pennington,
Interim Water Superintendent] | | |
Not available
| 1 | 15. | ORD - Prop 1 expenditure targets and reporting | Ordinance | An ordinance establishing expenditure targets and reporting requirements for revenues derived from Proposition 1, relating to funding transportation improvements, and the 0.10 percent Sales and Use Tax imposed by the Transportation Benefit District; establishing requirements for City Council review and evaluation of progress toward expenditure targets; and establishing planning requirements.
[Mayor Woodards] | | |
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