| 1 | 1. | LPCMin20240508 | Item Filed | Minutes of the Landmarks Preservation Commission, May 8, 2024. | | |
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| 1 | 2. | LPCMin20240612 | Item Filed | Minutes of the Landmarks Preservation Commission, June 12, 2024. | | |
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| 1 | 3. | PCMin20240717 | Item Filed | Minutes of the Planning Commission, July 17, 2024. | | |
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| 1 | 4. | PCMin20240807 | Item Filed | Minutes of the Planning Commission, August 7, 2024. | | |
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| 1 | 5. | Minutes of the Public Utility Board study session, February 26, 2025. | Item Filed | Minutes of the Public Utility Board study session, February 26, 2025. | | |
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| 1 | 6. | Minutes of the Public Utility Board meeting, February 26, 2025. | Item Filed | Minutes of the Public Utility Board meeting, February 26, 2025. | | |
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| 1 | 7. | Purchase Resolution – SAFE Boats International | Resolution | A resolution awarding a contract to SAFE Boats International, in the amount of $902,880.51, plus applicable taxes, budgeted from the Police Special Revenue Fund, for a Marine Services Unit patrol vessel - Contract No. SR5049029716.
[Corey Darlington, Police Captain; Patti Jackson, Interim Police Chief] | | |
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| 1 | 8. | RES - Setting Public Hearing for Street Vacation 124.1456 – Dazaifu LLC | Resolution | A resolution setting Thursday, May 15, 2025, at 9:00 a.m., as the date for a hearing by the Hearing Examiner on the request to vacate portions of 6th Avenue and North Prospect Street, to cure building encroachments.
(Dazaifu LLC; File No. 124.1456)
[Troy Stevens, Senior Real Estate Specialist; Ramiro A. Chavez, P.E. PgMP,
Director/City Engineer, Public Works] | | |
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Not available
| 1 | 9. | Payments | Action Item | Date Range - 02/24/2025 to 03/09/2025
Payroll in the amount of $23,006,197.93; Payments in the amount of $37,817,753.12; for a total of $60,823,951.05. | | |
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| 1 | 10. | Proclamation - Transgender Day of Visibility. | Proclamation | Proclaiming Monday, March 31, 2025, as International Transgender Day of Visibility. | | |
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| 1 | 11. | Presentation - Economic Development Board 2025 Excellent 10 Award | Presentation | Presentation of the Economic Development Board 2025 Excellent 10 Award. | | |
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| 1 | 12. | RES - PUB Appointment | Appointment | A resolution appointing an individual to the Tacoma Public Utility Board.
[Mayor Woodards] | | |
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| 1 | 13. | Purchase Resolution – Brown and Caldwell | Resolution | A resolution authorizing an increase to the contract with Brown and Caldwell,
in the amount of $764,185, budgeted from the Wastewater Fund, for additional
engineering design services for the North End Treatment Plant Trickling Filter
Project, for a cumulative amount of $3,368,194, plus applicable taxes -
Contract No. CW2254273.
[Jordan Ennis, P.E., Engineer; Geoffrey M. Smyth, P.E., Interim Director,
Environmental Services] | | |
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| 1 | 14. | RES - Continuation of the Downtown Tacoma Business Improvement Area (BIA) | Resolution | A resolution continuing the Downtown Tacoma Business Improvement Area (BIA), for the 38th year, providing for levy assessments and other income, in the amount of $1,893,647; and approving the renewed BIA annual work plan, budget, and assessment rates from May 1, 2025, through April 30, 2026.
[Debbie Bingham, Program Manager; Tanja Carter, Director,
Community and Economic Development] | | |
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| 1 | 15. | RES - Continue Partnership with the Downtown Tacoma Business Improvement Area | Resolution | A resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement with the Local Development Council of Tacoma d.b.a. the Downtown Tacoma Business Improvement Area, in the amount of $2,015,200, budgeted from the Downtown Business Improvement Area Fund, to provide administration services for operations included in the annual work plan and budget.
[Debbie Bingham, Project Manager; Tanja Carter, Director,
Community and Economic Development] | | |
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| 1 | 16. | Resolution - SMART-TD Yardmasters 2025-28 CBA | Resolution | A resolution authorizing the execution of a Collective Bargaining Agreement with the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail, and Transportation Workers - Transportation Division, Local 1977, Yardmasters, retroactive to January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2028.
[Dylan Carlson, Labor Relations Division Manager; Chris Bacha, City Attorney] | | |
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| 1 | 17. | Resolution - L483 Supv LOA Engr Support Supv Accretion | Resolution | A resolution authorizing the execution of a Letter of Agreement with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 483, Supervisors’ Unit, regarding the classification of Engineering Support Supervisor.
[Dylan Carlson, Labor Relations Division Manager; Chris Bacha, City Attorney] | | |
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| 1 | 18. | RES - Support of Prop 1 | Resolution | A resolution expressing support for the passage of Proposition No. 1, submitted
by the City of Tacoma, at the April 22, 2025, Special Election, which reads as
The Tacoma City Council adopted Resolution No. 41588 concerning utility taxes
and property tax levy rate for street improvements.
This measure funds street repair, maintenance, and safety improvements for
streets, including pedestrian and bicycle improvements, by levying an additional
2% utility tax on natural gas, electric, and phone utilities effective 2026;
increasing the regular property tax levy by $0.25/$1,000 to a maximum rate of
$1.95/$1,000 of assessed value for collection in 2026; authorizing the 2026 levy
amount as the basis to calculate future levies (RCW 84.55). Qualifying seniors
and others are exempt (RCW 84.36.381).
Should this proposition be approved?
[Mayor Woodards, and Council Members Hines and Walker] | | |
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| 1 | 19. | ORD - TMC 12.01 and 12.06A - Power Rates | Ordinance | An ordinance amending Chapters 12.01 and 12.06A of the Municipal Code, relating to Utility Charges and Electrical Code, by revising various inspection, permitting, disconnection, and reconnection fees to recover increased operating and labor costs, effective April 7, 2025.
[Chad Edinger, Assistant Section Manager; Chris Robinson,
Power Superintendent] | | |
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| 1 | 20. | ORD - TMC 12.10 - taxes covered in cost of service and charges - effective April 7, 2025 | Ordinance | An ordinance amending Chapter 12.10 of the Municipal Code, relating to
Water Regulations and Rates, by revising various sections to update language
and recover increased operating costs, effective April 7, 2025.
[Dana Larsen, Customer and Financial Services Manager; Heather Pennington,
Interim Water Superintendent] | | |
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| 1 | 21. | ORD - Yardmasters and L483 Supv Accretion | Ordinance | An ordinance amending Chapter 1.12 of the Municipal Code, relating to the Compensation Plan, to implement rates of pay and compensation for employees represented by the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail, and Transportation Workers - Transportation Division, Local 1977, Yardmasters Unit, and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 483, Supervisors’ Unit.
[Kari Louie, Assistant Director; Shelby Fritz, Director, Human Resources] | | |
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