city of tacoma
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/4/2019 5:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
19-0582 11.IPSMin20190327Item FiledMinutes of the Infrastructure, Planning, and Sustainability Committee, March 27, 2019.filed  Action details Not available
19-0540 12.PCMin20190501Item FiledMinutes of the Planning Commission, May 1, 2019.filed  Action details Not available
19-0557 13.PUBSSMin20190424Item FiledMinutes of the Public Utility Board study session, April 24, 2019.filed  Action details Not available
19-0558 14.PUBMin20190424Item FiledMinutes of the Public Utility Board meeting, April 24, 2019.filed  Action details Not available
19-0537 15.TPLMin20190424Item FiledMinutes of the Tacoma Public Library Board of Trustees, April 24, 2019.filed  Action details Not available
19-0553 16.SSMin20190416MinutesMinutes of the City Council study session, April 16, 2019.adopted  Action details Not available
19-0554 17.SSMin20190423MinutesMinutes of the City Council study session, April 23, 2019.adopted  Action details Not available
19-0467 18. MinutesMinutes of the City Council meeting, March 26, 2019.adopted  Action details Not available
19-0541 19. MinutesMinutes of the City Council meeting, April 2, 2019.adopted  Action details Not available
RES40334 110.RES- ILA with the Port of Tacoma for the Puyallup River Bridge ProjectResolutionA resolution authorizing the execution of an Interlocal Agreement with the Port of Tacoma in the amount of $500,000, accepting and depositing said sum into the Transportation Capital Fund, for the replacement of a portion of the Fishing Wars Memorial Bridge. [Chris Storey, Project Manager; Kurtis D. Kingsolver, P.E., Director, Public Works]adopted  Action details Not available
ORD28587 111.The University of Puget Sound (SV124.1395)OrdinanceAn ordinance vacating an area of alley right-of-way lying between North 15th and North 16th Streets, beginning at a private section of former North Lawrence Street and running in an easterly direction, for development of the area as a gateway to a new Welcome Center for the University of Puget Sound. (University of Puget Sound; File No. 124.1395) [Jeff H. Capell, Hearing Examiner]set over for final reading  Action details Not available
19-0573 112.Proclamation - Gun Violence Awareness DayProclamationProclaiming Friday, June 7, 2019 as Gun Violence Awareness Day.presented  Action details Video Video
19-0574 113.Proclamation - Tacoma Garden Club DaysProclamationProclaiming June 12-13, 2019 as Tacoma Garden Club Days.presented  Action details Video Video
RES40335 114.RES - CERC AppointmentsAppointmentA resolution appointing and reappointing individuals to the City Events and Recognitions Committee. [Doris Sorum, City Clerk; Bill Fosbre, City Attorney]adoptedPass Action details Video Video
RES40336 115.RES - HSC AppointmentsAppointmentA resolution appointing and reappointing individuals to the Human Services Commission. [Doris Sorum, City Clerk; Bill Fosbre, City Attorney]adoptedPass Action details Video Video
RES40337 116.RES - PC AppointmentsAppointmentA resolution appointing and reappointing individuals to the Planning Commission. [Doris Sorum, City Clerk; Bill Fosbre, City Attorney]adoptedPass Action details Video Video
RES40338 117.Purchase Resolution – R.L. Alia CompanyResolutionA resolution awarding a contract to R.L. Alia Company, in the amount of $1,560,162.40, plus applicable taxes, plus a 15 percent contingency, for a total of $1,794,186.76, budgeted from various departmental funds, to replace aging water distribution, wastewater, and surface water pipes, and install new street improvements along South Puget Sound Avenue between South 50th and 54th Streets - Specification No. ES18-0163F. [Eric Johnson, P.E., Assistant Division Manager; Michael P. Slevin III, P.E., Director, Environmental Services]adoptedPass Action details Video Video
RES40339 118.Purchase Resolution – Best Parking Lot Cleaning, Inc.ResolutionA resolution authorizing an increase to the contract with Best Parking Lot Cleaning, Inc., in the amount of $175,000, plus applicable taxes, for a total of $407,535, budgeted from the Solid Waste Fund, for continued vactor truck and cleaning services for the oil/water separators, sumps, vaults, and catch basins at the Tacoma Recovery and Transfer Center, through May 31, 2020 - Specification No. ES14-0646F. [Shane Pettit, Assistant Division Manager; Michael P. Slevin III, P.E., Director, Environmental Services]adoptedPass Action details Video Video
RES40340 119.Purchase Resolution – RailPros Field Services Inc.ResolutionA resolution authorizing an increase to the contract with RailPros Field Services Inc., in the amount of $250,000, plus applicable taxes, for a total of $450,000, budgeted from the Transportation Capital Fund, for continued railroad inspection and flagging services for the Fishing Wars Memorial Bridge project - Direct Negotiation. [Chris Storey, Project Manager; Kurtis D. Kingsolver, P.E., Director, Public Works]adoptedPass Action details Video Video
RES40341 120.Purchase Resolution – Comprehensive Life ResourcesResolutionA resolution authorizing an increase to the contract with Comprehensive Life Resources, in the amount of $80,000.00, plus applicable taxes, for a total of $2,869,176.85, budgeted from the Mental Health Fund, for youth and young adult shelter services - Direct Negotiation. [Erica Azcueta, Homelessness and Household Stability Program Manager; Linda Stewart, Director, Neighborhood and Community Services]adoptedPass Action details Video Video
RES40342 121.RES- Increasing and Extending EarthCorps' ContractResolutionA resolution authorizing an amendment to the agreement with EarthCorps, in an amount not to exceed $247,240.97, for a total of $440,524.97, budgeted from the Surface Water Fund, to continue to manage volunteers who assist in the restoration and care of the City’s passive open spaces, through December 31, 2021. [Eric Johnson, P.E., Assistant Division Manager; Michael P. Slevin III, P.E., Director, Environmental Services]adoptedPass Action details Video Video
RES40343 122.RES - Pantages Building Federal Historic Tax Credit FundingResolutionA resolution approving a change order to complete renovations and repairs to the Pantages Theater and Jones Building; approving agreements to fund a portion of the project costs in return for Federal Historic Tax Credits; and directing the City Manager, or her designee, authority to approve final forms of the agreements and related documents. [Teresa Sedmak, City Treasurer; Andy Cherullo, Director, Finance]adoptedPass Action details Video Video
ORD28586 123.ORD - Chapter 1.12 City Manager increaseOrdinanceAn ordinance amending Chapter 1.12 of the Municipal Code, relating to the Compensation Plan, to implement rates of pay and compensation for the position of City Manager, retroactive to May 16, 2019. [Kari L. Louie, Senior Compensation and Benefits Manager; Gary Buchanan, Director, Human Resources]passedPass Action details Video Video
19-0542 124. Public HearingThis is the date set for a public hearing by the City Council on the establishment of a proposed Joint Base Lewis McChord Airport Compatibility Overlay District. [Larry Harala, Associate Planner; Peter Huffman, Director, Planning and Development Services]presented  Action details Video Video