city of tacoma
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 7/12/2022 5:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Webinar Link: Passcode: 349099
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
22-0734 11.EDMin20220412Item FiledMinutes of the Economic Development Committee, April 12, 2022.filed  Action details Not available
22-0735 12.EDMin20220426Item FiledMinutes of the Economic Development Committee, April 26, 2022.filed  Action details Not available
22-0741 13.PUBSSMin20220608Item FiledMinutes of the Public Utility Board study session, June 8, 2022.filed  Action details Not available
22-0742 14.PUBMin20220608Item FiledMinutes of the Public Utility Board meeting, June 8, 2022.filed  Action details Not available
22-0740 15.TCRAMin20220526Item FiledMinutes of the Tacoma Community Redevelopment Authority, May 26, 2022.filed  Action details Not available
22-0732 16.TPLMin20220413Item FiledMinutes of the Tacoma Public Library Board of Trustees, April 13, 2022.filed  Action details Not available
22-0737 17.TPLMin20220518Item FiledMinutes of the Tacoma Public Library Board of Trustees, May 18, 2022.filed  Action details Not available
22-0754 18.SSMin20220322JntMtgMinutesMinutes of the joint City Council and Public Utility Board study session, March 22, 2022.adopted  Action details Not available
22-0756 19.SSMin20220329MinutesMinutes of the City Council study session, March 29, 2022.adopted  Action details Not available
22-0760 110.SSMin20220405MinutesMinutes of the City Council study session, April 5, 2022.adopted  Action details Not available
22-0762 111.SSMin20220412MinutesMinutes of the City Council study session, April 12, 2022.adopted  Action details Not available
22-0761 112.SSMin20220419MinutesMinutes of the City Council study session, April 19, 2022.adopted  Action details Not available
22-0764 113.CCMin20220313SpMtgMinutesMinutes of the City Council special meeting, March 13, 2022.adopted  Action details Not available
22-0765 114.CCMin20220322MinutesMinutes of the City Council meeting, March 22, 2022.adopted  Action details Not available
22-0767 115.CCMin20220329MinutesMinutes of the City Council meeting, March 29, 2022.adopted  Action details Not available
22-0768 116.CCMin20220405MinutesMinutes of the City Council meeting, April 5, 2022.adopted  Action details Not available
22-0766 117.CCMin20220322VFMinutesMinutes of the Virtual Forum, March 22, 2022.adopted  Action details Not available
RES40996 118.RES - Re-Setting Public Hearing for Street Vacation 124.1433 – Carla Moreno Montgomery and Ana Yesenia Celestino-ValdovinosResolutionA resolution setting Thursday, August 18, 2022, at 9:00 a.m., as the date for a hearing by the Hearing Examiner on the request to vacate a portion of the alley between North “L” Street and North “M” Street, lying northwest of North 10th Street, to cure a garage encroachment. (Carla Moreno Montgomery and Ana Yesenia Celestino-Valdovinos; File No. 124.1433) [Troy Stevens, Senior Real Estate Specialist; Josh Diekmann, P.E. PTOE, Interim Director, Public Works]adopted  Action details Not available
ORD28807 119.Street Vacation - Petitioner: Aaron Beckord (SV 124.1425)OrdinanceAn ordinance vacating a portion of an alley right-of-way abutting and lying south of East 30th Street, between East “K” Street to the west, and Valley View Terrace to the east, to allow for expanded residential yard use. (Aaron Beckord; File No. 124.1425) [Jeff H. Capell, Hearing Examiner]passed  Action details Not available
ORD28807 119.Street Vacation - Petitioner: Aaron Beckord (SV 124.1425)OrdinanceAn ordinance vacating a portion of an alley right-of-way abutting and lying south of East 30th Street, between East “K” Street to the west, and Valley View Terrace to the east, to allow for expanded residential yard use. (Aaron Beckord; File No. 124.1425) [Jeff H. Capell, Hearing Examiner]moved as a substitutePass Action details Not available
22-0769 120.Compassionate Tacoma RecognitionRecognitionCompassionate Tacoma Recognition: Mattice Hoyt.presented  Action details Video Video
22-0770 121.Presentation - Systems TransformationPresentationPresentation from the City Manager regarding Systems Transformation, including highlights from the Neighborhood and Community Services Department’s racial equity action plan.presented  Action details Video Video
RES40997 322.RES - GTRCCPFD AppointmentAppointmentA resolution appointing Andrea Reay to the Greater Tacoma Regional Convention Center Public Facilities District Board of Directors to fill an unexpired term, effective July 21, 2022, to expire December 31, 2026, and until a successor is appointed. [Mayor Woodards]adoptedPass Action details Video Video
RES40998 123.RES - Eight-Year Agreement with Encompass Property Management, LLCResolutionA resolution authorizing the execution of a Multi-Family Housing Eight-Year Limited Property Tax Exemption Agreement with Encompass Property Management, LLC, for the development of 80 multi-family market-rate rental housing units, located at 605 St. Helens Avenue, in the Downtown Regional Growth Center. [Debbie Bingham, Project Manager; Jeff Robinson, Director, Community and Economic Development]adoptedPass Action details Video Video
RES40999 124.Resolution - 483 Court Clerks CBA 2022-25ResolutionA resolution authorizing the execution of a Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Tacoma Municipal Court and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 483, Court Clerks Unit, consisting of 18 budgeted full-time equivalent positions, retroactive to January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2025. [Dylan Carlson, Senior Labor Relations Manager; Bill Fosbre, City Attorney]adoptedPass Action details Video Video
RES41000 225.RES - MIP Summer Conference in TacomaResolutionA resolution authorizing the one-time use of Council Contingency Funds, in the amount of $6,500, to sponsor the Mayors Innovation Project summer conference in Tacoma. [Mayor Woodards]adoptedPass Action details Video Video
ORD28822 126.ORD - Amending Chapter 8.105Ordinance(First and Final Reading) An ordinance amending Chapter 8.105 of the Municipal Code, relating to Domestic Violence, by repealing the adoption of Chapter 26.50 Revised Code of Washington therein, and adopting by reference Chapter 7.105 Revised Code of Washington; and declaring an emergency, and making necessary the passage of this ordinance, and its taking effect immediately. [Bill Fosbre, City Attorney]passedPass Action details Video Video
ORD28823 127.Ordinance - 483 Court Clerks CBAOrdinanceAn ordinance amending Chapter 1.12 of the Municipal Code, relating to the Compensation Plan, to implement rates of pay and compensation for employees represented by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 483, Court Clerks Unit. [Dylan Carlson, Senior Labor Relations Manager; Bill Fosbre, City Attorney]set over for final reading  Action details Video Video
22-0739 128.Public Hearing - Tacoma-Lakewood HOME Consortium’s 2021-2022 Annual Action PlanPublic HearingThis is the date set for a public hearing by the City Council on a substantial amendment to the Tacoma-Lakewood HOME Consortium’s 2021-2022 Annual Action Plan, which outlines the uses of Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investment Partnerships Program, and Emergency Solutions Grant funds. [Felicia Medlen, Housing Division Manager; Jeff Robinson, Director, Community and Economic Development]presented  Action details Video Video
22-0794 128A.Selected applicants for City Council At-Large Position 7 vacancyAction ItemSelected applicants for City Council At-Large Position 7 vacancy.adopted  Action details Not available